Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't worry, I'm still here!!

Where have I been?  Well, the past two weeks have been crazy, wrapping up my substitute job and production week for "Singin' in the Rain", so I haven't been able to knit much.  But, I did manage to make a baby sweater for a friend!  I finished piecing it together last night (in the dressing room, ha), and I think it looks pretty darn cute!  All I need to do is tack down the collar and add the ribbon. 

Cute, no?  I know it doesn't look perfect, but it's cute and hopefully the new mama will want to put it on her baby girl!  Why isn't the sweater pink?  Well, I figured the mommy-to-be probably got enough pink at her shower, so I went with a nice springy green.  It is a March baby, after all!

Next up is a birthday present for my sister-in-law.  I won't be able to post that until I send it to her, but stay tuned! :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

All Done!

So I finished the scarf over February vacation last week.  Yay!  If you couldn't guess, I made it for my wonderful mother in law.  She loves warm colors, and is only of the few people I know who looks fabulous in orange!  I think I made the scarf a little too wide, and it was much shorter than I would have liked, but for a first project, I was pretty happy.

I started a baby blanket for a friend after I finished the scarf, but it was incredibly frustrating...the pattern was harder than I thought.  So after unraveling it three times, I switched to a baby sweater and hopefully this will come out better!  Pictures of that one to follow!